Change. Grow. Thrive.
Eastern Melbourne Psychology offers an empathetic and warm environment where you will be supported by Louise to make the changes you seek in your life.
Challenging life events are common - either during our childhood or later in life. Sometimes we manage to move forward, but often we find that the effects linger and impact our current lives. We might notice this in the way we view ourselves, in the way we interact with those around us, and the way we perceive the world. At other times, we might not know why we feel as we do, but we know we want some type of change to occur. We may feel that we are not living our life to the fullest, that we feel depressed or anxious, or that we feel 'stuck'.
However, we can change, grow, and thrive.
If you feel ready to get started, just give us a call or email us and we can go from there.